The 924 Gilman Street Project a.k.a the 'Alternative Music Foundation', is an all-ages, non-profit, collectively organized music and performance venue. We do shows on Fridays, Saturdays, and occasionally on Thursdays and Sundays. It is located in North Berkeley, about 1 1/2 miles from the North Berkeley BART station, at the corner of 8th St. and Gilman. Shows cost between $5 and $10, with a $2 membership card (that is good for a year). We strive to provide a violence, alcohol and drug-free environment. We will not book or support racist, misogynist, or homophobic bands or performances.
這是924 Gilman Street Project也可稱呼為非主流音樂基金會,這是一個專為所有年齡層的所成立的音樂表演空間且這是一個非營利的組織;而我們的表演通常都會辦在星期五、星期六有時候會在星期四和星期天;表演空間坐落在距離北柏克萊11.5公里的BART車站和第八街與Gliman的轉角處。票價分為兩種五塊和十塊美金另外還有兩塊錢的會員卡可以享用一整年的優惠,再這裡我們儘可能的提供一個可以讓大家盡情暢飲及宣洩情緒的環境;當然,所有助興的玩意也全是免費的,我們也力阻各種和種族主義者、性別歧視者及同性戀樂團來這裡表演。
924 Gilman Street Project是由Tim Yohannan先生所創辦的live house而他也是知名雜誌和廣播Maximumrocknroll的創刊人。Tim Yo最廣為人知的就是他不餘遺力的推廣且建構龐克圈的組織化並且由他所發行的Maximumrocknroll更對影響80年代龐克圈。加上他是個不折不扣的清教徒所以對自己要求更是嚴格但也不失其幽默。NOFX就曾在〝I'm Telling Tim〞這首歌中這樣說到if Tim found out you were doing things not in accordance to Tim's beliefs, you would get "ostracized like Lawrence" (Livermore).
You better watch out you better not cry
You better put out records D.I.Y.
Cause it's not what you've done it's what you've been
If you fuck up I'm telling Tim
Take you out of book your own life part six
You won't play again at abc
You're gonna get ostracized like Lawrence
When I tell Tim, I'm telling Tim
I'm telling Tim, I'm telling Tim
之所以被稱為龐克勝地的Gilman Street乃是它孕育了許多punk、hardcore等樂團如rancid、afi及green day等較顯為人知的樂團但隨著許多樂團的壯大也因為著合約的問題迫使它們不能在去Gilman表演。
最後送上幾支在Gilman Street的表演
AFI - NY Quil live at Gilman Street 1994!
Green Day - Longview live @ 924 Gilman Street 1991
Dropkick Murphys 4-11-99 "Working" Cock Sparrer Gilman St